Women don’t love us – they love the way we make them *feel*

OR…at a minimum they can’t love us like our moms loved us.

Men still living in with that illusion are not emotionally strong and are theefore weaker and not as useful to the women in their lives…and to all of society.

We as men need to grow up and move past certain things in order to fully lead the women we want to love (and to have them “love” us in whatever way they are capable of).

Us making them *feel deeply* is us loving them.

We impress upon them with our masculine energy. We set fire to feminine energy with our motion.

A woman’s “love” can bring value to a man’s life.

It can soothe the wounds of this world that masculine energy endures. Feminine energy can uplift and inspire us to reach for more.

Feminine energy can also be a slow death spiral, or a fuckin kill shot.

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