The Unique Challenges of Dating Hot Women

Insights into Their Psyche and How to Be the Man They Need

Understanding Their Past

Hot women often demand the most safety in relationships because many of them experienced tumultuous and unsafe upbringings.

They blame their father because he was not there (father cannot be there always, he’s tending the overall garden) to protect them from the early and frequent harassment (or worse) that they got because they *got pretty* at a young age.

This past exposure to bad behavior by men has left deep-seated scars.

Consequently, well-meaning men in their present lives can inadvertently display behaviors that ultimately become turn-offs.

Overcompensating with excessive attention and trying too hard to “win her sex” can remind them of the controlling or creepy behavior they encountered in the past.

No wonder so many want to live wild and free.

To be the right kind of man for them, it’s crucial to understand and address these issues deftly.

Empathy and Understanding

It’s important not to empathize in a pitying way but to understand that many of these women were objectified and even abused from a young age.

By the time they hit puberty, they were already facing inappropriate advances from older men.

From thirsty step brothers to creepy uncles to teachers or whoever. Perhaps even Dad (or more often Step Dad) himself.

As survival creatures, they have developed strong defenses and are aware of their attractiveness and its impact on men.

This often results in a bratty or bitchy demeanor, a covert language designed to keep men at a distance until a real man breaks through their defenses.

Approach them with empathy and genuine understanding, recognizing why they built these defenses to begin with.

Building Trust

The hottest girls tend to be the most insecure or deeply afraid of men.

When they meet someone who makes them feel truly safe, they test his weaknesses harder to ensure he is the rare guy who can handle himself and protect her if necessary.

This requires a level of emotional Aikido, redirecting their energy and using their movements against them so to speak. Instead of meeting force with force, use different tactics to make them feel safe without sexualizing them. Building trust involves consistent and congruent actions that demonstrate your reliability, integrity and authentic masculinity.

Being the Strong Male Figure

You must treat these women like their ideal father figure – a strong, protective male who doesn’t sexualize them. They don’t want to be put on a weird pedestal because they associate such treatment with a past filled with ogling and groping and rape.

As Casey says, you become like their dad, protecting them from beta males who lack self-control. Being a strong male figure means embodying respect and strength without crossing boundaries or exerting undue control.

And as Thich Nhat Hanh said you must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.

Revealing Weaknesses

These women can highlight where your external game is lacking.

They might point out that you’re not wealthy enough or reveal to you with their tests that your internal game has weaknesses. This doesn’t mean they don’t like you so don’t believe that and quit trying.

Don’t take it as demeaning, rather let it be revealing as to the areas where you need to grow.

The journey of personal development for a man involves constantly becoming stronger in every aspect. Women, especially the hot ones, will expose your emotional weaknesses and attachment issues, pushing you to level up if you want to maintain a relationship with them.

Being thoughtful and respectful to yourself in this process. Note their feedback (often they are not saying it directly but it’s through their actions) and use it as an opportunity to grow.

The Real Deal

Interestingly, some women have asked my friend @Robert Oscarsson if he has killed before.

Not in a judgmental way but out of curiosity to know he’s the real deal (they prob thinkin of an uncle or step dad they’d like him to take out!)

This might explain why serial killer inmates receive love letters from women.

It’s an interesting notion, but makes sense when analyzed deeply.

It underscores their need for a strong, protective figure who can handle extreme situations.

However, showing you are the real deal should come from demonstrating consistent and congruent strength, not from embracing or exaggerating violent tendencies (although sometimes in life you do got to go there).

Final Thoughts

Dating hot women comes with unique challenges, but by understanding their past and providing a safe and strong presence, you can become the man they need (the daddy they never had).

Embrace the opportunity for personal growth and be the rare individual who can handle the complexities of their psyche.

Approach the relationship deftly and ensure that your actions consistently convey safety, understanding and care for the little girl buried deep inside of her.

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