She wants to find out everything there is to know about you, perhaps subconsciously hoping your mysteries will be never-ending
If not, it’s on to the next one whose mysteries will hopefully never end. Hypergamy be thirsty.
They’re like kids, eager to tear open their presents as fast as possible, not thinking far enough ahead to realize that soon they might be bored and asking, “Isn’t there any more presents”
When they discover all there is to you, they might think, “What? That’s all there is to him? I thought he was so strong in the beginning. Now, I feel so unsafe”
When they know almost nothing about us, girls often assume we have lots of strength
It’s our job to keep girls in the dark / pushin them back by treating them as a dad would
This keeps the sense of mystery and strength alive, ensuring they always feel secure and intrigued
In her mind, she thinks she can have anything that she wants
But hypergamy is satisfied when a woman wants access to what they can’t easily have
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