Intermittent Texting to Heighten Attraction

This is a key thing guys really need master.

It takes both self-awareness and self-control.

Building and maintaining attraction with a woman hinges on the subtle art of communication (all about language and words…and the energy and intention behind them).

You have to avoid coming across as overly eager or needy; and this can be solved by being a man on his mission + when it comes to talking to women Volume is King; don’t be thirsty for just one.

Intermittent communication (time delays) leverages psychological principles to create a sense of anticipation and excitement.

Scarcity and Value

When something is readily available, it often becomes less desirable. This is known as the scarcity principle. By being less frequently available, you create a sense of scarcity, which increases your perceived value.

Variable Rewards

Similar to how people get addicted to checking their phones for notifications, intermittent communication leverages the concept of variable rewards. The unpredictability of your responses creates anticipation and keeps the other person engaged.

Tension and Release

Relationships thrive on a balance of tension and release. By occasionally withdrawing communication, you create a sense of tension. Your return provides the release, making your presence more impactful.

Avoid Constant Messaging

We all know the guy who’s always blowing up her phone. Don’t be that guy. Give her some space to miss you. Men call for women when they are with them. Woman fall for men when they are not with him. When they have time to think about him and feel his absence.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s not about how many messages you send, but the quality of those messages. Casey recommends only sending one text per day, unless she’s the one reaching out and really engaging with you. Even then don’t go overboard. Be the one to stop texting first. Her overall volume of texts (let her write the paragraphs) should be more than yours. Send one liners. Leave her wanting more.

Get Her to Qualify Herself—to Increase Her Interest in You

To qualify oneself in social or dating contexts means to offer info and/or demonstrate qualities about oneself that indicate why one is worthy of someone else’s attention, approval, or interest. Getting her to qualify herself–to show she’s worthy of you—and can significantly boost her interest in you. It pulls her into your frame and she’s wanting to prove herself to you.

EXTRAS (may or may not be congruent to your style/personality):

Use Open Loops

Integrate open-ended questions or topics without immediate resolution into your conversations. This technique leaves her curious and eager to delve deeper, maintaining a dynamic and engaging dialogue that builds anticipation and connection. You can circle back on these unresolved topics later to reignite interest and deepen your connection over time.

Leave Room for Imagination

Don’t reveal everything about yourself immediately. As Casey said be a storybook she gets to read one page at a time. Maintain a level of mystery that intrigues her and makes her curious to learn more about you. Slow drip creates addicts; each drop of info you share should leave her wanting more.

Leave a Cliffhanger

Share a story or an anecdote that ends on an intriguing note, leaving her wanting to know more. For instance, “You won’t believe what happened last night at the bar, crazy scene.” When she inevitably responds with curiously like “What?! leave it on read for a few hours or a day or two. If she double texts you then bonus. Or if you two are already seeing each other you can say “I’ll tell you about it when I see you next” and let her try and set a next hang.”

Create Inside Jokes

Develop playful banter or inside jokes based on previous interactions or shared experiences. This builds a sense of camaraderie and makes texting more enjoyable. It also brings back up positive old emotions from the first time you joked about something. It creates a nostalgia factor.

Start Arguments to Spike Emotions

Engaging in playful arguments through texting can inject excitement and stimulate emotions in your interactions. Playful banter and disagreements can create a dynamic and engaging rapport.

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