There are 2 types of DGAF guys – women fuck with both

In datin and attraction, men who embody DGAF energy win

Movin through life with an air of indifference and unshakeable confidence

There are two types of DGAF guys, each attractin women for different reasons

Let’s delve into the two archetypes and explore why they have such a powerful pull

The Bad Boy / Asshole Type

Background and Behavior

The first type is the classic bad boy or asshole

This guy often comes from a chaotic background, marked by trauma and turmoil. His harsh exterior is a defense mechanism, a way to shield himself from further hurt. His meanness isn’t always a calculated strategy; it’s a natural extension of his internal struggle. Over time, he may realize that his indifferent and abrasive demeanor can actually attract women, and he leans into it.

Vibe and Attraction

This bad boy radiates hot, hurt, and hate

He’s the epitome of the wounded warrior, and his aura of danger and emotional unavailability can be intoxicating to women who have their own unresolved issues or low self-esteem. For them, his chaos mirrors their inner turmoil, creating a magnetic but often unhealthy attraction. The less insecure version of this archetype is the “Chad Alpha” – still confident and dominant, but without the deep-seated anger drivin his actions

The Self-Accepted and Self-Loved Type

Background and Behavior

In contrast, the second type is the man who has achieved full self-acceptance and self-love

This guy isn’t insecure; he knows exactly who he is and embraces it. His DGAF energy stems from a deep-seated freedom to be himself, unencumbered by societal expectations or the need to prove anythin to anyone. He understands that he is inherently valuable, created by God, and lives his life on his own terms

Vibe and Attraction

This man’s confidence is genuine and almost serene

He attracts women through his authenticity and independence. He doesn’t curate his personality based on what he thinks will work; instead, he is a self-made man, built from the ground up by his own experiences and values. Women are drawn to his genuine self-assurance and the sense of security and freedom he radiates

Why These Types Attract Women

Psychological Basis

The attraction to these two types of men can be explained through psychological theories and social dynamics. The bad boy appeals to women who may seek emotional intensity or are drawn to the thrill of taming the untamed. This dynamic often taps into deep-seated attachment issues or a desire for excitement

On the other hand, the self-accepted man attracts through a sense of stability and genuine confidence. He embodies the principles of self-determination theory, which emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. His authenticity fosters trust and deeper connections, makin him incredibly appealing to women who value these traits


While the DGAF energy manifests differently in these two types of men, both are undeniably attractive to women for various reasons

The bad boy’s allure lies in his raw, untamed nature, while the self-accepted man’s charm is rooted in his genuine confidence and independence

Understanding these archetypes not only sheds light on the complexities of attraction but also offers insights into the diverse ways men can embody appealin traits

In the end, whether through the wounded allure of the bad boy or the serene confidence of the self-accepted man, the “IDGAF” energy remains a powerful force in the game of attraction.

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